MX And SPF Records
SMTP And Submissions Ports
SQL Join Algorithm
Phasors are complex exponential functions of time. They are often used describe rotations. Phasor multiplication is different from cross products.
SQL Window Functions
SQL window functions are SQL functions applied to row sets associated with rows:
window-function over (row-set-definition)
SQL Order Of Operations
For SQL select statements, with only one select operation, the order of operations is: from, join, where, group by, having, select, distinct, order by and limit.
Note that on clauses are parts of join operations, and, window functions are parts of select operations. Note also that where operations must appear after join operations and before group by operations.
Race And Ethnicity
Managing Python Module Variables With Strings
Specifying SQL Table Primary Keys Improves Performance
SQL Select Subexpressions
(select-expression) name
SQL Common Table Expressions
with name-1 [column-list-1] as (definition-1), name-2 [column-list-2] as (definition-2), name-3 [column-list-3] as (definition-3)
Hash Tables Lead To Fast Searches
P, NP, NP Hard & NP Complete Decision Problems
Decision problems are problems solved by boolean functions of inputs. Polynomial time Turing machines are Turning machines with the number of required steps always bounded by some polynomial function of input size. Polynomial time decision problems (P) are decision problems that can always be solved by some polynomial time Turing machine. Nondeterministic polynomial time decision problems (NP) are decision problems that always have answers that can be verified by some polynomial time Turing machine. NP hard decision problems are decision problems such that, if any can be solved by some polynomial time Turing machine, then so can all NP decision problems. NP complete decision problems are decision problems that are both NP hard and NP decision problems. An example of an NP hard decision problem is the halting problem. An example of an NP complete decision problem is the traveling salesman problem. An example of a P decision problem is primality determination.